Stress specialist Rapid Change Therapy Solutions
Coaching, Hypnosis expert- and more for Stress Management
London UK- USA – Dubai-Spain, Europe and by skype
Do you ever struggle with stress? Do you have days when your stress is overwhelming?
Do you have sleepless nights due to constant worries?
Stress is subjective – What situations or events for 10 people experiencing it stress free, yet another person may be stressed and visa versa. Yet same event, job and so forth.
Feeling of overwhelm, work related pressures, never ending deadlines, worry, relationship problems, ill health…the list goes on Stress is a natural part of life, but it is not something that has to overwhelm or control you.
Stress & anxiety are major side-effects of the above problems, and while EVERYONE has stress to a certain extent, many people just haven’t been taught to manage it effectively and it “RUINS” their lives.
What Causes Stress why do we get it,
Can you stop stress?
In today’s hectic and fast paced life, more and more people are experiencing the feelings of stress and anxiety.
Fact is, no one is immune to feelings of stress and anxiety. No person breezes through life without facing some difficulties. Everyone at some point encounters situations which will impact their personal mental wellbeing.
How to beat STRESS: It’s the modern epidemic that wrecks lives and relationships. The true source of stress, is the mistaken belief that you’re feeling something other than your thinking…..that you’re at the mercy of a world ‘out there’ with power over how you feel… that can either support or sabotage our stress response.
E + R = O
(Events + Responses = Outcome)
INSIGHT can be a game changer when you’re open to CHANGE.
The truth is, its our personal reaction to all these things that cause us to trigger our stress response – which in itself is simply a physiological ‘knee jerk’ reaction in the body and we then get anxious.
Would you like to Stress Less?
Emotional wellbeing – helping you manage stress much more effectively, it can transform the way you look at every area of your life, and generally develop a healthier mental health. Because if you know that something has to change,it has to be now,and it has to be you, You probably already know you should be talking to Craig. Plus he is a available Online and Skype Counselling Stress therapy Sessions! From the comfort of your own home or location.
take action … take advice … talk to us
Get help today with Craig Santini-G Rapid change therapy solutions
and hypnosis expert for stress treatment and Counselling
My passion is to help you overcome stress and gain effective coping skills to reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, and chronic exposure to stress. My motto is: LESS STRESS – MORE PEACE.
- Do you want to learn a quick and effective technique to get rid of stress or negative emotions in minutes?
- Learn effective stress-relief and stress reduction techniques that you can apply to your daily life immediately?
- Be more relaxed and peaceful in spite of daily challenges
Workplace Consultancy and training programs;
Stress management bespoke training & coaching programmes for organizations, companies and business owners.
That positively impact individuals: by helping them develop a stronger and more resilient mindset. Which could make a HUGE difference – to work related stress – absenteeism, productivity, recruitment, retention, morale and so much more.
Changing the lives of
stressed out people!
Craig helps many people with stress around the world – clients include from Business professionals, CEO’s, teenagers, celebrities, to individuals from all walks of life. With Craig’s Emotional Management Techniques and Advanced clinical Hypnosis, you can regain your point of power and take control of your mind, emotions and physical body. Get BACK TO BALANCED and increase your vitality and well-being…
Simple Stress Management Techniques is for anyone whose stress responses are reducing their quality of life
or interfering with their opportunities
There really is no reason why you or anyone you care about should continue to suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. Craig Santini-G here at the ultimate therapist his stress management coaching and rapids change therapy holds up a mirror to how you do being you and when you see what you are doing to experience stress in your life, you stop!
Increase your self confidence, improve your self esteem, realise your self worth and much more…
The next time find yourself believing there is no hope for you and that you will always be this way. Maybe allow yourself to consider that maybe that’s not true!
Arrange a chat today
If you would like to have a no obligation conversation to find out more how he can help you please simply use our contact us page here. you have nothing to lose other than your stress!
Tags; anxiety, Counselling stress, anxiety management coach, anxiety techniques, stress techniques, anxiety tips, stress management, Hypnotherapy expert for stress.
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Dedicated to helping you
Find out more about how Craig can help you overcome your Stress anxiety.
We would be delighted to have a chat with you and answer any questions you may have…
With no obligation to take things further.
Click here to request a Strategy Consult
Overcome & cure your stress fear
Skype & Our Locations:
- UK-London, Manchester, Bristol, Exeter, Sussex, Surrey
- Dubai, UAE
- USA: CA. Beverly Hills,
Santa Barbara
New York
Colorado, Boulder
- Spain: Marbella, Madrid, Barcelona, Gibraltar
- South Africa: Cape Town