Alcohol Addiction Treatment Specialist Help

Alcohol Addiction  Treatment Specialist –and How To Stop Binge Drinking Solution
International renowned therapist and clinical hypnosis expert

Our Clients : USA, UK, London, Europe and via skype/zoom bespoke special programme 

Internationally sought after, delivering exceptional results with over 25 years experience…You are here searching for solutions  and help or maybe been recommended. Craig Santini-G  is recognised for his innovative therapy  and cutting-edge best solutions for rapid results addiction  therapy help – and alcohol addiction or binge drinking. 

Successfully helping people around the world to escape the pain and misery of alcohol addiction – many clients who have found his unique abilities ‘life-changing.’ From teenagers, business professionals, celebrities, doctors, therapists to people from all walks of life, just like you.

A profound opportunity for the treatment and management of alcohol addiction and dependence:
Craig is acknowledged worldwide for his unique personal transformation.  See here main addiction therapy expert information page. Over the years Craig has developed a range of powerful effective accelerated change techniques to help a diverse range of clients who have experienced his extraordinary results.

Many people come to us because they’ve previously tried treatment elsewhere , and their countless months of treatment that didn’t work for them.

About our Rapid Change Help for alcohol addiction therapy solutions:

In short using  various special rapid change work techniques and transformation coaching  including Craig’s clinical Hypnotherapy expertise that combines advanced clinical  hypnosis, with neuroscience and cutting-edge modern psychotherapy. All explained further in the page.

alt=The addiction therapy program session can easily be done with clients via skype or zoom from the comfort of your own home or wherever you are  and is Usually 3 – 5 sessions as part of the bespoke program.  Duration varies • Price varies

Don’t let life get in the way of making the changes you need  today.

How we can help you and Why more people come to us

Whether you are a daily drinker, an evening drinker, or an occasional or regular binge drinker… or If you think that you have a drink problem or you recognise the signs of alcohol addiction and need help this is for you… In short, Craig Santini-G has uniquely developed and mastered a highly effective therapy process and range of state-of-the-art techniques that works specifically at the root cause of an individual and transform them.

We get results others can’t… 

Secretly Worried About Your Drinking Behavior or someone you care about?
Is this you:
Do you rely most days on alcohol, wine etc, in the evening to help you sleep, relax, unwind de-stress?
And you realise it is becoming an unhealthy habit and  need help to stop….

Alcohol Addiction Help Therapy Treatment Specialist Binge drinkingAre you concerned about your drinking behavior or excessive drinking? Is it interfering with your personal or professional life?
Or are you binge drinking and seek help to stop this.

How much alcohol is too much? Some people turn to alcohol to help them function, whereas others find that they have been gradually increasing their dependency on it and the frequency of their alcohol consumption and therefore need to regain control over their overpowering habits.

Maybe you can identify:

  • Do you drink to unwind or relieve stress, yet realize that this short-term solution sometimes interferes with your overall, long-term well-being, health and relationships?
  •  Do you keep making those so called ‘vows’ to yourself to get control of your drinking habits?
  •  Are you growing frustrated with your inability to let go of a self-defeating, compulsive habit?
  • Do you avoid seeking help because you don’t want to be labeled “an alcoholic”?

Have you already tried and been to therapists, counselors, 12-step meetings
or rehab programs without the success you were really hoping for?

  • Have you considered or tried 12-step meetings and/or rehab, and decided that’s not for you? Or perhaps you are not so eager to be branded with a life-long, stigmatizing, self-fulfilling label? Nor do you wish to succumb to the notion that you have no control over an incurable disease?

Your not alone….
Message from Craig – The numerous people from different walks of life and high profile clients, business professionals and ceo’s etc who confide and come to see me have not found these previous treatment approaches very helpful…

There is a solution

Craig reveals the underlying causes that drive ALL addictions and compulsive behavior…

He Unlocks and combats the destructive underlying unconscious patterns that lead 80 percent of those recovering with addictions to self-sabotage or relapse… and shatter the status quo.


Get back to who you really are – to the best version of yourself – and escape from these compulsive habits! I’d like to help.
I work with clients who want to get control of compulsive, self-defeating addictions and unsatisfying habits, using a refreshingly contemporary approach…Helping people who were finally able to breakthrough with different issues that they have had for a long time often many years.

Ready to learn more and how to get started?

Alcohol Addiction Help local near me -Treatment SpecialistChange and Release Habits or Old Emotional Patterns Keeping You Stuck.
The necessary treatment for excessive alcohol consumption involves getting to the root of the issue and addressing for you,  why alcohol abuse or reliance has become a problem.

You can wake up feeling wonderful, eager to get into your day, optimistic, free of that sense of feeling overwhelmed and “less-than”. Enjoying your work and relationships more and having the time and freedom to enjoy and accomplish and create.

How to live with greater freedom and possibility than ever before… 

I’d like to help transform and turnaround your struggles, whether you want to get control over your drinking, or even stop altogether…

Alcohol Treatment help  methods Types of Therapy
For Rapid results addiction therapy Tailored solutions –  how it works:

*Read carefully….

Addictions are about trying to get your unmet needs met, influenced by internal processing, which is often completely unconscious. You can break down a persons individual thought behavior into its most basic components that have led you to develop undesirable habits – and to rebuild and replace behaviors such as addiction.

I collaborate with clients who sincerely want to get back to the best version of themselves, who want to get control of compulsive, self-defeating habits, who want to feel truly free. I use a  highly bespoke refreshingly new, integrated, motivating, holistic approach – one that incorporates recent research on how the brain works,  advanced clinical hypnotherapy, mindfulness cognitive therapy, positive psychology – special  dynamic psychotherapy and transformational coaching for addictions.

Craig has honed a multitude of techniques to help people break free from negative behaviours, emotional issues, anxieties and alcohol  or binge drinking issues by clients undertaking this unique highly tailored program treatment.

Pioneering techniques – Extraordinary Results….

I’m afraid to find out (or admit) that I might be an alcoholic…

The question, “Am I an alcoholic?” may not be the most helpful question…

First of all, I don’t use “alcoholic” when thinking of my clients. Instead, current literature refers to “problematic drinking behavior.” No, it’s not sugarcoating, and it’s not denial.  It’s a clear description of behavior, without having to condemn or shame a person with a fuzzy, stigmatizing label.

Why many people choose The Ultimate Therapist for addiction help and Craig Santini-G
Discover and Experience His Next Generation Techniques & Solutions 

Change doesn’t need to be hard, or take months – We can make positive changes rapidly. Craig works with  each individual client collaboratively, to develop an integrated bespoke holistic treatment plan programme, based on their strengths, resources, history, triggers, and past successes. Treating alcohol addiction disorders is a sought-after skill that requires a real specialism in the area and a deep understanding about what triggers addictive behaviours.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment Specialist Help Local near meHow hypnotherapy can help Addictions and make changes fast

Keys-to-change mindset – A  range of state-of-the-art techniques that works specifically at the root cause of an individual and transform them. As  part  of the addiction program treatment Craig also incorporates  special advanced clinical hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP),  Making treatment faster and more effective.

It  nurtures new ways of thinking and forms a powerful complete  treatment helping people at the unconscious level,  where habits and behaviour take place. Other therapies don’t explore the trigger of these behaviours, which is why they are less effective for people who want to eradicate their addiction for good.

Utilizing also his Special Addiction hypnosis and in how and what Craig does, helps people to change deep-rooted beliefs about themselves and gives the client strong feelings of self-worth and empowerment. Allowing them to see themselves as independent from any ties to alcohol and be free to embrace the powers that come with not relying on it – to make sustainable changes to their mentalities and their thought processes… allowing themselves to break the cycle that comes with addiction or stop binge drinking.

We always have two choices

 Give in, give up or give it all you’ve got. What are you choosing today?

Take Action helpAre you ready to change things but not sure what to do next?
You’ve never had a better opportunity to transform your life, to create the CHANGE you most desire… and deserve!

The next step
Contact me
and explore your obstacles, your dreams and what the next right step is for you to get from where you are to where you want to go

It all starts with a choice, and it starts with showing up…
I have yet to meet somebody who my techniques can’t help… sometimes it just takes a different approach….

If you think you’d benefit from some positive key changes in your life, why not arrange today for a free-of-charge confidential telephone/skype consultation- simply see below.

For Transformation That Could Make A Day-And-Night Difference 
To The Things That
Matter In Your Life…
Craig’s goal to help you to get from where you are –  to where you want to BE!

About Addiction Therapist expert Craig Santini-G
Solution focused Therapy expert Specialist for Addictions
Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Counselling, NLP, Coaching and more…
Integrated approaches

With a totally unique blend of skills and  25 years experience, renowned Internationally

“ Craig’s plethora of techniques, skillset and ability to pinpoint the core cause of one’s issues, he transforms deep-rooted problems seemingly effortlessly.

Craig Santini - Rapid change work help solutions

He gets results others can’t. With his combination of cutting-edge next generation techniques Craig has developed that achieve rapid results, and his own unique transformational programs completely tailored for every client and your needs…

Ultimate therapist specializes in a variety of solutions … He is the ‘go to’ expert when it comes to personal transformation and has helped countless people achieve their goals and help them cure their addictions.

Working together and focusing on your goals, you can see positive changes in a short amount of time like no other. With his integrated approaches and solution focused protocols so our clients achieve the best possible outcomes from working with us.

People searching for addiction help also come to these Related page links for other addiction therapy expert treatment:

Specialties is working with people who would very much like to stop or modify their alcohol use, as well as other addictive, compulsive habits and behaviors such as eating, quit smoking, gambling, drugs such as cocaine, porn, etc , and any other addiction see here main addiction therapy expert information page.

If you’re sincerely ready & committed to change, take advantage of this exclusive opportunity and transform your path to success!

Ready to get started?

Contact us

Need Help?
click here for our contact form.

Dedicated to helping you

Find out more about how Craig can help you overcome your alcohol concerns or binge drinking . He would be delighted to have a chat with you and answer any questions you may have…
With no obligation to take things further.
Click here to request a Strategy Consult

Therapy by Skype, and Hypnotherapy, Coaching Programs in Europe, America (USA), Australia,  UAE, Africa, UK and Middle East.

Alcohol Therapy/Treatment expert help locations & skype therapy

 UK – and London city.

  • Ireland
  • Dubai
  • USA –   CA.. Beverly Hills,
    Santa Barbara,

    New York – Hamptons
    Colorado, Boulder
  • Canada
  • Spain: Marbella, Madrid, Barcelona
  • South Africa: Cape Town.