Anxiety Specialist –  Expert Help Treatment – UK, London, Europe USA,
and via skype/zoom global clients

Get help with anxiety, fear panic specialist expert

Transform and Stop Anxiety, panic attacks, fears
Help Expert Specialist – Extreme Severe Cases
*Local near me, even via online therapy: skype/zoom live video session – Rapid Results!

More and more people from all walks of life are experiencing anxiety, extensive worry
or Health Anxiety  this information help page and links is for you.
Discover below Rapid change therapy and much more:

Anxiety expert help specialist local

Do you often:

  • Feel overwhelmed, worried & stressed?
  • Experience panic attacks, fears or phobias?
  • Have OCD or obsessive thoughts or behaviors?
  • Suffer from Trauma/PTSD?
  • Health Anxiety?
    Explore this page and find out more…

How to conquer anxiety, overview information at a glance:

International Specialist
Anxiety Disorder Help, Treatment Solutions,
and clinical Hypnotherapy Expert
UK, London, USA, Europe and Skype/Zoom

Gold star rating celebrity life coach

Do you struggle with anxiety in certain areas of life?

Are you looking for Fast help
to overcome – stop Anxiety, and panic attacks.
Discover a new you and way to live your life on your terms

Rapid change therapy for Anxiety Disorders & Panic Attacks, people around the world get help at the ultimate therapist, With specialist Craig Santini-G.
Transforming and stopping your Health Anxiety,  acute GAD,  conquer  generalised anxiety disorder and  panic attacks for clients around the globe.  Over the years he has unwittingly been building an underground reputation as the go-to guy especially maybe where you have tried using other therapists or methods to-date AND without success.

Anxiety help for teenagers – Are you needing help & Solutions for a teenager with Anxiety problems?  This page is for you and  help asap via skype.

Are you Struggling with Health anxiety? See here for specialized help and powerful solutions… also links in the sidebar further on this page.

Work with Craig - Hypnosis expert-London-Dubai-USA-SpainCraig is  one of the most successful experts in demand world-wide for Anxiety, Cure Phobia/ Fear Specialist in helping Men and women  of all ages with panic attacks- fears etc, ranging from milder anxiety to complete terror have all been helped by Craig  and are now experiencing a newfound freedom! If you suffer the wait is OVER…

He solves problems that people believe are unsolvable.
He fixes people who believe there unfixable. and Craig’s highly successful solution focused therapy protocols.

On this page –
discover HOW  he can help and transform your FEAR no matter how extreme it is. And also for Asperger syndrome (AS) social anxiety help expert please enquire teaching parents and carers fast profound results

*Video to watch  *See Video client with extreme anxiety cured Please Click Here   with 35 years of Agoraphobia not able to leave the home cured in a session – just a few hours with Craig previous numerous other therapists over the years said she was an impossible case.

The good news

Anxiety Treatment Solutions and by skype Therapy How it works;

Craig’s fast effective personally tailored bespoke treatment approach unlike any other…. that in short works with  core Changes in  3 key areas; your mind-set on all levels, emotions and body reaction symptoms The difference that makes the difference and the change that CHANGES everything.

Rapid results, no medication… with his Solutions treatment  & powerful  cutting-edge techniques including special advanced Hypnotherapy and his unique brand of rapid results transformational coaching  to resolve your toughest issues

Social anxiety /phobia expert London - UK- USA - hypnotherapy
You too can experience his must have diverse expertise highly personalized solutions and stop your anxiety-panic attacks – WITHOUT the need for medication or the typical countless months (or years) as is the standard normal of traditional help, CBT etc  & counselling!

Depression Bipolar Best Expert Hypnotherapy Expert specialist Treatment speakmans

Business Professionals, and People around the world have completely had major breakthroughs with his help and expertise, helping them get their lives back!

Craig Santini-G  has created an array of exceptional powerful solutions and his one- of- a-kind expertise to the complex challenges we face in today’s world…

Your own big breakthrough could be sooner than you think and just a phone call away  and  much of his work these days can easily be done entirely via live skype/zoom video session
*Learn more here

skype hypnotherapy best treatment help depression, anxiety, phobias


Bring your biggest problem, and challenges!

Anxiety is one of those broad words that can actually mean so many things to different people. These page  links below will lead you to more specific pages on problems associated with anxiety & panic attacks best help – at a glance.


Depression Bipolar Best Expert Hypnotherapy Expert specialist Treatment coaching

Beyond  Counselling and Psychotherapy….
Next generation Rapid results lasting change therapy, Healing, coaching and much more…

Your Breakthrough is Now!

You want to be your best, living a life that is filled with peacefulness, joy, fulfillment, from day to day and moment to moment…You’ve come to the right place.

Anxiety help treatment locations In person, Central London and Harley St, W1, various UK and USA locations, Spain, Dubai or via our hugely popular  skype live video  sessions help 

 Is there something you’d like to change about yourself? Then lets do it. Live the life you want.

Are You A  Business Professional  Seeking Confidential  Best Help Support To Manage Your Anxiety Secret & Elevate Confidence?

Stop Anxiety -Panic attacks expert specialist
with Craig Santini-G  

  How is your life going to be better after you have overcome anxiety
and  GAD?

A powerful effective approach that simply WORKS…
Everything is a unique tailored plan customized
each client…

Every year Craig successfully helps more people overcome and stop their extreme Anxiety, fears, Depression and much more…seemingly insurmountable challenges with results that astonish both them and their health professionals who have tried to treat them before. 

Learn more about how Craig can help you & the actual specifics;

“Anxiety and Panic attacks affects people regardless of wealth and status. Weakness is living in denial. Only the strongest people ask for help.

The UltimateTherapist:  Your Best Choice for Anxiety Expert Help and by Skype/Zoom

*Craig’s diverse services are the leading choice sought after help expert to  city traders, business professionals, celebrities, media personalities… teenagers – and people from all walks of life. UK, London-USA-International and by skype live video sessions – a complete amazing game changer for so many people…
Radical Transformations – Ready to learn & discover more?

Your Anxiety Panic Attacks Breakthrough Turnaround
Could Be Closer Than You Think…
It’s time to stop wishing and take back control of your life.

anxiety help expert Hypnosis London-USA, Dubai, SpainYou too can change areas of your life and situations that have seemed unchangeable – until now. Free yourself from life-long blocks, crippling emotions, patterns and beliefs that hold you back…

Asking for help and reaching out can feel awkward…It can difficult for you when you suffer from daily General Anxiety Disorder GAD or acute bouts of anxiety and panic attacks to actually ask for help and you may feel awkward and embarrassed and hopeless.
You may not be able to tell anyone how bad you really feel on a daily basis and find yourself suffering in silence rather than living your life. 

The question is… What has it been costing you so far and the likely impact of not sorting this out now?
Just One moment of decision & commitment is all it takes, If you too want to make quick, real Changes to things or ‘never wonder what if.’

* So many people are experiencing rapid change to long standing issues & behaviours
Consider this the invitation to a different possibility, to explore a different awareness…

About Therapy for Anxiety, Hypnotherapy Expert and Transformational Coaching Program…

Craig Santini Hypnosis Expert celebrity Life coach“My approach is not about managing the issue, but to get rid of it as soon as possible, then teach you how to keep it away. There is no better feeling than changing someone’s life for the better.”

You are about to discover a totally unique, potentially for many, life-changing education experience.

Transformational Rapid Results … Welcome and thanks for checking out this page I’ve devoted my  life to creating transformational experiences, powerful breakthroughs and life-changing programs. I specialize & help people struggling with stress, depression, anxiety and severe phobias and fears transform and regain control of their life, feel passionate about their future and rebuild their self esteem even if being free and truly happy seems unimaginable – and fulfill your utmost potential.

My fondest hope for you as you read and watch the videos is that you begin to see through the noise of your own habitual thinking and straight to the heart of who and what you really are…It’s not about what happens on the outside. It’s about what’s happening on the inside.

Your point of view creates your reality. “Reality does not create your point of view.”

About Craig helping you at glance please readThrough Craig’s personally developed unique transformational coaching /therapy techniques and processes, he rapidly helps individuals in overcoming problems that in the past would just seem insurmountable… He has developed a highly effective no-nonsense style of  coaching therapy focusing on speedy resolutions and effective outcomes rather than just managing symptoms or that of going through problems over and over again as in many more traditional forms of  help treatment therapy!

*The great news is… much of his work he can help people completely via live video sessions such as Skype – from the comfort of your own home. This has been a complete game changer for so many! Read more about that amazing service here

He has studied and investigated nearly every method of therapy, coaching and personal change available. He opens the door to countless possibilities and powerful change. Now, Craig’s dynamic and highly recommended approach is available to you. 

Craig’s Goal for clients is simple;
To help you achieve the positive change you want in your life personally and professionally — as quickly and as easily
as possible.

Ready to find out more? See now the rest of this page…

The simple answer is: Worry Fear, There will be a release of adrenalin which causes unpleasant physical symptoms, which feed the panic and start a loop of symptoms and panic reaction to them and feeling no control…

Anxiety when it is a constant occurring problem has a pattern and  often is an unconscious learned behavior  and anxiety is so often based on two little words: ‘What if?’  The situation giving rise to the reaction has largely been created by the person and sufferer in the form of a “distorted belief”  or, to be more exact: the fear of fear itself loop, the fear of losing control.

Pannic attacks best help__Trichotillomania- hair pulling expertise-opt The worry is often unrealistic or out of proportion for the situation.which leads to frequent distress or uneasiness of the mind, of being overwhelmed by circumstances or  by life itself which occurs in often Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)  created by unprocessed and unresolved emotional issues that often frankly  beyond our awareness. Or  memories of past events in your personal or work life etc both trivial and major have been driving the difficulty.

It’s never the circumstances it’s how you react to them…

Fact is we all experience some anxiety and have to deal with it time to time at various points in our lives, Most of us can cope with average amounts of anxiety and still lead perfectly normal health  lives. A degree of anxiety is a natural part of living and nothing to be really worried about…people will be anxious when feeling perhaps threatened or in a scary situation or one you are thinking about;

This is then accompanied by physical sensations;  resulting from the rapid release of  the bodies adrenaline by the Adrenal Glands and impulses which we have in response to some thoughts or  stressful situations in the moment  produce a ‘fight or flight’ response which can be considered a normal functional  response to prepare us.

BUT when anxiety is something a person experiences a lot regularly and extreme  or daily becoming overwhelming and chronic, then something really does need to be done about it.

 Anxiety is a broad word used to describe feelings of apprehension maybe of future events, uncertainty or hesitation, nerves or fear. It is usually in and of itself context related.

Some feel anxiety when talking to certain people or strangers. Some feel anxiety when giving a talk or presentations. Some get anxiety driving in car in certain situations on a freeway/motorway etc and so forth…

At its extreme people can get anxious feelings virtually all the time. However anxiety can be considered abnormal if it:

  • Is often frequently out of proportion to the actual stressful situation
  • Persists after a stressful situation or trigger has gone
  • Or when the original trigger for the stress is minor yet you have excessive fear, worry, catastrophize things and worse case scenarios , or obsessive thinking…
  • Appears out the blue for no apparent reason when there is no stressful situation

In some ways, panic attack symptoms may be similar to anxiety symptoms, but are much more pronounced and terrifying.

Creation of Severe Panic attacks, anxiety and GAD come after  the specific thought of fear, but unlike fear, they last long after any rational cause is gone. Often, with people, the fear is  either exaggerated or unfounded and your mind is playing tricks working against you, leading you into eventualities that exist mainly in your imagination, images you are making up (movies) internal self -talk conversion chatter  telling you that something bad is going to happen running the scenarios of those two little words: ‘What if?

Clients worldwide sidebar optCraig explains;  it’s not about removing anxiety from your life since  that occurs as the human condition most of us go through as mentioned  but with my cutting edge approach  by changing your thoughts, patterns and  conditioned behavioral habits to gain a new insights and perspective on yourself and the world around you – and your own mind’s natural ability to re-set itself.

*So ultimately, the next time the person is in a situation which had made them feel anxious before, instead they feel more resourceful and capable and now in control. One of the keys to success I help people do is I  work to connect the person with powerful new ways of being, the resources they already have but have been unable to access because of anxiety. and allows them to leave behind the emotions associated with distressing or difficult experiences –and giving you the freedom you deserve.

If you are experiencing the above symptoms mentioned in this information or others and are unsure why you should also consider to see a doctor to rule out any possible medical causes, like a possible low blood sugar level which can sometimes produce similar symptoms.

Here are some of the most common symptoms of Anxiety and Panic attacks that can also be extreme.  Your symptoms may feel unique to you,  and the only one to suffer in this way, but rest assured, there are many, many people around the world who suffer in the same way.

  • Constant worrying/feelings of stress your mind racing or feeling  out of control that you can’t stop it
  • Thinking you are going crazy with worry or Disturbing thoughts throughout the day
    Feelings of Panic or out of contol
  • Breathing Difficulty – struggling for breath or shortness of breath
    A racing heart -pounding in your chest etc
  • Chest pain or noticable tightness, possibly even feeling that your chest may explode
    headaches or dizziness or feeling lightheaded, unsteadiness.
  • Nausea feelings or that you might vomit, Stomach upset or diarrhea
  • Trembling, shaking or tremors
  • Feeling hot, flushed & sweaty or possibly cold and clammy
  • Intrusive thoughts worry about what people think
  • Feelings of hopelessness

In some ways, panic attack symptoms may be similar to anxiety symptoms, but are much more pronounced and terrifying. But during a panic attack, these symptoms seem to arise from out of nowhere. They occur in seemingly harmless situations – they can even happen while you are asleep.

Message from Craig:  Recovery is within everyone and quickly once they have received the right help skill set, support and information. I have spoken with and helped  many sufferers of anxiety, panic attacks  around the world and far too many of them spent years going to therapists, counselling. taking. medication  or going round in circles one treatment to another, desperate for something to make this awful thing go away unable to find any answers to how they felt and getting freedom from their anxiety.

If you are wanting help and you are serious and committed simply Contact me and my support care team  here to arrange a get acquainted  chat by telephone or over skype and lets explore how I might help you!

panik attacks


Ready to make profound changes in your life?
Anxiety treatment and getting started – The next steps…

Infinite Possibilities
Craig Santini-G shining the light on what is possible
Now read more…


The new you starts here…

Rewriting the past transforming the future….

The best therapy and counseling approaches for overcoming
and stopping  anxiety

We know that people can change fast because Craig has already been helping hundreds of clients set themselves free – people just like you from all walks of life, and teenagers overcome anxiety & GAD. And to live their life without the fear of the fear, and how to make changes into the way you think and respond to external situations.

Now you too can  experience Craig’s unique brand of Fast dynamic transformational therapy and powerful solutions to achieve rapid results – you are looking for…

The Anxiety Hypnotherapy and Special Coaching Programme is unlike any other….

 An extraordinary – fast effective personally tailored  bespoke treatment approach that in short works with transforming anxiety in the 3 key areas; your mind-set on all levels, emotions and body symptoms.

Using Craig’s powerful change tools including special advanced clinical Hypnosis that lasers in and tackles the underlying anxiety patterns at the core source – in your mind, where all your thoughts, feelings, habits, acting conditioned responses and behaviors reside and come from…That’s what really creates the results, or lack thereof.

Craig’s special approach also aims to address your level of anxiety before you even reach that feeling of anxiousness, with his  advanced break-through techniques and help  that puts you back in control of how you feel by creating new powerful resources, experience balance, inner zest, be motivated, empowered, relaxed and physically calmer, emotional resilient, stronger and new found  inner confidence. As a result you will be free to experience the new version of you and ultimately life you want!

As Craig  explains and says to clients;
“Your never afraid of what you think you’re afraid of…Your afraid of what you think…

Local help hypnosis expert-therapy solutions

Many of the people that come to us for help have often already tried numerous other forms of  anxiety treatment that did little and failed to work for them…Please carefully read all this page and links, and simply explore the website. 

*And he can maybe help you or someone you care about in so many ways you haven’t begun to realise yet….

Countless Individuals each year who have struggled with the affects of stress, anxiety, chronic depression, panic attacks and other psychological challenges including OCD  etc, frequently find that after Craig’s bespoke session  packages and  special breakthrough – day intensives  free them from these issues and go onto to lead a new lease of life.

For Transformation That Could Make A Day-And-Night Difference 
To The Things That
Matter In Your Life…
Craig’s goal to help you to get from where you are –  to where you want to BE!

Craig has developed some of the most powerful, fastest and simplest methods developed to resolve any emotional issue…that literally saves decades of pain and struggle and un-resolved conflicts and challenges…

See NOW Craig Transform a wonderful lady to finally leave her house on her OWN first time in over 35 years with Agoraphobia, Depression, Severe panic attacks and other debilitating issues.

* client with extreme anxiety cured see video  Please Click Here cured in a session – just a few hours with Craig previous numerous other therapists over the years said she was an impossible case.

Anxiety Best Expert Help Treatment
Specialist in Rapid Change

London, UK – USA-Dubai-Europe – International

Ready For – ANYTHING.

Changing Lives. Shaping Futures.

Isn’t now the time…
YOU made that change?
Don’t ever let your circumstances
dictate your destiny...

Craig solves problems that people believe are unsolvable. Imagine a ‘cut to the chase’ fast, deep change therapy that moves the client away from typical ‘intellectual talking type therapies’ but instead helps the client get to the core crux of the real problem almost immediately, and Resets & Transform it… the feelings, thoughts, emotions and responses to a new YOU!

Seize this Opportunity – Begin Your Transformation Now.
Your time to change starts here. It’s no accident that you are reading this.
This could change the trajectory for you – and join the countless people each week that come here…

Contact us

Have a question –Need Help?
click here for our contact form. 

Dedicated to helping you

Find out more about how Craig can help you overcome your Anxiety fears and GAD.  Craig would be delighted to have a chat with you and answer any questions you may have.
With no obligation to take things further.
Click here to request a Strategy Consult

Disclaimer we are obliged to state; As with all types of therapy – results may vary per person and are dependent on many factors..

Overcome & cure your Anxiety & GAD

Our Locations:

  • UK-London, Manchester, Bristol,  Sussex, Exeter, Surrey
  • Dubai & UAE
  • USA:  CA. Beverly Hills,
    Santa Barbara,

    New York,
    Colorado, Boulder
  • Spain: Marbella, Madrid, Barcelona, Gibraltar
  • South Africa: Cape Town

Clients visit The Ultimate Therapist and Hypnosis Expert Craig Santini-G from all over the UK- USA -Dubai – UAE and Europe.

UK  London clinic available in Harley Street, W1. (and other London and UK Locations) click here for more information or below.

Craig takes Hypnosis, Counselling, Therapy, Life Coaching, modern Psychology –  to Way Beyond the Next Level…