Hypnosis-Hypnotherapy Expert for Exam Nerves
Study Success

UK- London, USA, Europe and online Zoom/skype Help

Hypnotherapy expert for exam study and nerves Uk, USA, Europe Skype

Get Better Grades. Top Academic Performance…
Exam Success Hypnosis Expert  – International services Bespoke totally to you, rapid results solutions –

alt=For School, College or University exams, Lawyer Bar exam, Police exams, Accountancy, airline Pilots exam, Doctor’s, City exams, Driving test/exam stress nerves –  and for Language school students exams help in the UK, USA and Europe see below.

Struggling With Exam Stress?
Hypnosis – Hypnotherapy  expert for Exam Success, improve study/ memory recall
and eliminate test taking anxiety nerves!

And skype/Zoom online service wherever you are –  or need Help Asap…

Exam Hypnotherapy for stress, memory, exam nerves anxietyStruggling With Exam Stress?  When you need to be Your Best, If you are looking for Exam hypnotherapy expert or been recommended  here to Craig Santini-G,  he can help you in many ways… As a master hypnosis expert internationally and personal, performance coach to help you overcome – stop exam nerves and improve your studying, memory and recall. Get Better Grades. and Top Academic Performance….

Exam Success, stay calm and eliminate test taking nerves, stress and anxiety!

This is a fast transformational programme specifically tailored for you which gets real results – in only just a few sessions….  Specialist help solutions for people who suffer with exam stress nerves and want to feel more confident and perform at your best – or at a whole NEW level.

Accelerated Learning Techniques, Emergency service Help and much more

You’re in  great hands… Craig is a sought after optimum peak -performance specialist & mindset coach, and leading choice hypnosis expert working with clients around the world in America USA, UK-London, UAE, Europe and via skype/Zoom Live video online. For business professionals, students and people from all walks of life,  just like You!

(Note; many choose the private live video session help with Craig,  read link here for skype/Zoom exam hypnosis and performance coaching  
and get emergency help  asap wherever you are, a total game-changer!)

On this page:

Can  Hypnotherapy and hypnosis help for exam study?
How to Maximize Exam Performance with Hypnotherapy for Studying and Learning

Overcome Test /Exam  Stress-Nerves Hypnosis, AND  Craig’s fast cutting- edge solutions here at Ultimate therapist and Success coach:

Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy for exam nerves -studying help exper USA-London-UKHypnotherapy for study skills,  is an excellent powerful tool to help stop exam nerves and beating exam stress and even remembering facts and mental performance. Exam nerves  and worry can ruin a year’s work. You can learn how to change all this…

Many confident and capable students can freeze on the day and their nerves get the better of them when placed in an exam situation, or experience test anxiety or panic, mind goes blank, and other negative emotions. Driving test exam hypnosis help as well!

Craig’s powerful solutions & combined Hypnosis is a good way to release exam worry- stress and to improve studying habits such as a good memory recall and exam confidence. We have seen it all.

Successful Student, Top Academic Performance… Over the years many clients taking tests and important exams come to us for help for; School, College or University exams, Lawyer bar exam,  Police exams, Accountancy, airline Pilots exam, Doctor’s,  City exams, to name a few…

When it comes to taking a big exam successfully –
Craig can help  you in key different areas so you enter the exam feeling calm, focused and confident in yourself, recall and knowledge.
So it makes sense to get the best result you can!

With Craig’s special Advanced Hypnotherapy and  his next generation break-through techniques and transformational coaching that get profound results – however many years, difficult & extreme the problem for you – until now.

Locations- Help in London, UK, USA,, Dubai – UAE  depending on availability and by skype/Zoom Live video session from the comfort of your home, advanced Hypnosis, NLP  and so much more – as you’re about to discover….his sought after diverse expertise, services and bespoke solutions. Learn more now.

Exam nerves fear hypnotherapy help –  and performance coach specialist leading choice:

Discover the extraordinary rapid results, breakthrough techniques of Craig Santini-G  he takes Hypnosis, Counselling, Therapy, Life Coaching, Modern Psychology –  to Way Beyond the Next Level – the difference that makes the difference and the change that changes everything. He has developed techniques that has resulted in a recipe for powerful change that works rapidly at an incredibly deep level.
You too can make exam nerves, worry, stress and test anxiety a thing of the past, and find it easier and natural to study, learn recall, and perform at your best – when it matters. 
Helping people get from where they are now – to where they want to be….

Do You Have Exam Nerves or Stress /Test Anxiety?
Want to improve your mental performance and recall.
Advanced hypnotherapy, NLP,  and super-tutor service.
Gold star rating celebrity life coach   

Exam Hypnotherapy Expert Craig Santini-G offers  fast and effective help
for enhancing your memory study & recall  & exam nerves anxiety .

Experience his highly effective SELF EMPOWERING TOOLS & TECHNIQUES that will allow you, to beat exam stress nerves, help you to simply feel more at ease in advance of the exam and during the exam! And to effect permanent change in habits of thought & actually improve your mental performance and recall. Fast and effective help to overcome exam nerves – and enhance your learning ability.

Hypnotherapy for study and exams – optimum performance results coaching;

Craig will also quickly help you to increase your confidence and self-esteem generally, training your brain to think positively and in new ways of being. He will work with you to; Identify any hidden or  limiting beliefs that are holding you back from achieving your goal and helping you to let go of them completely and Break free from habits and old patterns that do not serve you.

Craig powerful Hypnosis for exams results  & Coaching solutions is great for re-training your brain to respond with the sort of emotional response that will help your performance and at a whole new level….


How Craig ‘s advanced Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy & special techniques helps you to study, stop exam nerves and remember your facts!

Hypnotherapy for Study Skills, and exam nerves -expert choice; USA-UK-LondonHave important exams – NEED to get the edge? Or BECOME the best version of you – yet?

Experience Craig’s incredible Optimum High Performance coaching and Mindset mastery strategies  and his powerful combination of  Hypnotherapy to Overcome exam nerves and improve your studying, memory and recall!

Being successful in exams is dependent not only on your knowledge but also your state of mind….
There is a well-known phenomenon in psychology – known as state-dependant memory. The state you are in determines what you can remember. If you are in a very different state to when you learned, it is hard to recall things. If you are stressed, nervous or very anxious in your exam or leading up to it, your brain is simply in the wrong state for thinking!  And all the information that you are required to recall during a test or exam, you have stored in your unconscious mind…  Hypnotherapy  Expert Craig Santini-G, has been helping people & students from all walks of life overcome their exam nerves and improve their performance and results:

Hypnosis for study and exams;

Using Craig’s  transformational change techniques & hypnosis you’ll be able to approach exams without anxiety, with a highly relaxed, focused mind and pass with confidence. You’ll perform at your best during tests and using his unique Accelerated Learning mindset exercise your recall concentration will improve,  and you’ll think more quickly,  clearly and creatively.
Make the step, turn expectation into reality!

Bespoke service & why many come to him
About Ultimate therapist services for Professional Hypnotherapy Help with studying and exam/test nerves

Advanced hypnosis and much more with Craig and his cutting-edge next generation change techniques he has developed – that achieve extraordinary results.
His special techniques can be learned to access the memory center of your mind when it is time to take an exam. The brain wave pattern produced by a  hypnotic state produces focus and concentration, these are precisely the attributes need to promote better study memory, learn and recall information at will. Don’t let nerves, stress, fear, anxiety or panic ruin your chances!

Hypnotherapy for improving study – and exam nerves stress helps to easily and effectively;

  • Reduce and eliminate anxiety and the suffering of exam nerves for good
  • Strategies and how to use them to assist recall, increase and improve focus
  • Improve memory and concentration and think clearly
  • Remove stress, overwhelm and relax easier during exams
  • Increase motivation levels and to improve preparation
  • Overcome and remove fear of failure
  • Increase and Feel more confident and self belief
  • Remove any fears and nerves leading up to and during the exam day…

Hypnotherapy Help with exam nerves. How long will the treatment take?

This is a totally bespoke tailored program for you and can be in person or by skype and hugely popular. Either way, the work tends to take one to three, 1- hour sessions, on average – that creates powerful transformation quickly. Obviously individual circumstance,  goals and needs will vary.

“Success is not a matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. of course you can wait and hope it arrives, or you can take inspired action and make sure that it does”

Working with Craig – What to do next….

Wondering if Craig can help you? Want to find out more about his approach? Or want some training/coaching  help and support? Schedule a FREE initial chat with Craig…

Exam best hypnotherapy help with Craig at the UltimateTherapist and Success coach.

If you’d like to find out more, or if you’d like to start the ball rolling to becoming the NEW  best version of you, Book Now for a FREE exam help  Zoom /Skype consultation. There’s no obligation.

To use hypnotherapy for studying and exams and get the most out of your studies. Please do get in touch to discuss your own situation and explore how Craig can help you with your exams today.

State- of- the art change techniques Bespoke personal tailored program Fast and effective help to overcome exam nerves and driving test nerves using hypnotherapy & hypnosis in USA, UK-London  and Zoom/skype

Look  no further for one of the best for Hypnotherapy for improving study/ exam – and exam nerves Help , clients from UK, London, USA. Dubai, Europe
People come to us  for key areas searching for;

Hypnosis /Hypnotherapy for EXAM Success, Confidence and Studying help
Best Hypnotherapy/ hypnosis exams
Best hypnosis exams study
hypnosis expert for exams
hypnosis/ Hypnotherapy  for exam study

Hypnosis /Hypnotherapy for exam nerves, stress, worry help 
Fear of Exam Nerves Hypnosis / hypnotherapy
Hypnosis /Hypnotherapy for Studying and Exams 
exam nerves hypnotherapy and NLP
NLP for exam study/exam nerves

Test Anxiety Hypnosis /Hypnotherapy
Overcome Exam Nerves Hypnosis
Hypnotherapy Stop  exam nerves; USA/London/UK 
Hypnosis /Hypnotherapy to pass exams
Hypnosis /Hypnotherapy for exams anxiety
Cure exam nerves, stress hypnotherapist UK /London/USA expert
Hypnotherapy Treatment For Exam Nerves, Stress /Anxiety

NLP Hypnosis and advanced hypnotherapy for  exams,/tests, concentration help and nerves
Driving Test Anxiety/nerves  Hypnosis /Hypnotherapy help  in UK, London and USA
Driving test Hypnosis /Hypnotherapy help UK, London,USA, UAE, Europe please contact us.

Contact us

Have a question?
Need Help?
click here for our contact form.

Dedicated to helping you

Find out more about how Craig can help you overcome your exam nerve fears  We would be delighted to have a chat with you and answer any questions you may have…
With no obligation to take things further.
Click here to request a Strategy Consult

Hypnotherapy Expert
for exam Stress, study/nerves.
super-tutor service.

Skype/Zoom  & Our Locations

  • UK: London, Manchester, Oxford, Exeter, Cambridge, Surrey, Berkshire, Wales
  • Dubai -UAE
  • Europe;  Germany, Spain, Netherlands
  • USA: Beverly Hills,
    Los Angeles, Santa Barbara C.A

    New York
    Colorado, Boulder
  • Texas
  • Washington

Here at the Ultimate Therapist.com  help local:
Hypnosis /Hypnotherapy for  exam study/ Nerves,  Locations and skype help services.
Who do we see and which areas do we cover? We are able to help our clients world-wide in improving their lives personally and professionally with our services and expertise.
Consultations with clients from all over the UK, Europe, USA and the UAE  (such is our reputation) and the majority of our clients are from the following areas.
Our typical UK  client Location served;

Brighton, Harrow, Hertfordshire,  Kent, Oxford, Cambridge,  Sussex,
Devon, Taunton -Truro | Cardiff | Hampshire  | Southampton | Bournemouth Dorset | Bristol
skype and hypnotherapy for exam study in; Wales, Cardiff,  London, Scotland -Edinburgh,

Winchester – Hampshire| Durham | |Derby | Loughborough |  Birmingham
Canterbury | Bournemouth, Dorset |Leeds – Yorkshire |Liverpool | Warwickshire, Coventry

Hypnosis /Hypnotherapy for exams Nerves/ Studying help in: 
Leicestershire, Lincoln,  Staffordshire,  Newcastle
Northumberland | Nottinghamshire | Devon| Somerset| Cornwall | Torquay, Torbay areas Devon
and for Language school students  in the UK  and by skype

exam nerves school & college study america specialist
Our clients  for Hypnosis /Hypnotherapy for exam, test study/nerves & confidence help
client areas served  USA locations;
Los Angeles,
University of Notre Dame,
Princeton, NJ,
Yale, New Haven | Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN | Emory University, Atlanta. GA

Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, | New York University | Manhattan. NYU
University of Miami, Florida, | Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
University of Southern, California, CA, | Caltech – California Institute of Technology Stanford CA,

Hypnosis /Hypnotherapy for exams Nerves/ Studying in USA:
University of California; Berkeley /Davis / San Diego
University of Chicago | Columbia University New York, NY,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY | Cornell University, in Ithaca, New York,
Rice University Houston, TX | Georgetown University, Washington | George Washington University, DC
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
and  via skype/zoom session.

hypnosis for exam study help and by skype,
Hypnotherapy for exams Nerves/ Studying in USA:
 University of Michigan
University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Northwestern University, Evanston,
Brown University, Providence, RI

Washington, Saint Louis, MO
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Carleton College, Northfield, MN | Dartmouth College, in Hanover, New Hampshire,
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA | Tufts University, Medford, MA  Boston|Northeastern University, Boston
Boston College, |Wake Forest University, North Carolina, |UNC, University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill, 
College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA| University of Rochester, NY, New York |Brandeis University ,Waltham, Mass., MA

Hypnosis /Hypnotherapy for exams Nerves/ Studying  help in USA:
Tulane University, in New Orleans, LA
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA
University of Illinois, Champaign, IL
Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA
Villanova University, PA
Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX
University of Texas, Austin,
Fordham University, New York
Syracuse University, NY
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA
Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ

Private Hypnosis /Hypnotherapy for exams  study/Nerves help expert  USA  state Locations:

California CA| San Diego | New York City | Nashville |  New Jersey | San Francisco | Florida |  Miami |  Boston | Colorado| Seattle |  Chicago |
Rhode Island | Atlanta | Houston | Portland | Indianapolis | Philadelphia | Illinois | Washington | Texas

USA  contact us 805 local number

We are proud to serve clients in  the Los Angeles County Area,. Pass your tests and exams with hypnosis expert Craig Santini-G
and Exam study hypnotherapy, mindset coaching  and beyond via Skype service online